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You rule breaker, you!
2005-01-23, 1:17 p.m.

I�m nervous and fidgety today. I woke up much to early this morning. Laying in bed tossing and turning trying to convince myself it�s Sunday go back to sleep didn�t work. So I got up, made coffee and went for a 3 mile run.

The weather here is perfect for running outside right now. It�s not to hot, and not to cold. There were lots of others out walking dogs, and getting exercise as I made my way down the street and around the back side of the development. Running wasn�t helping my state of mind. I never could find the right rhythm or pace to help me along, I was struggling at something that normally I can do easily.

I made my way back into the development panting, and feeling nauseated. I never have this problem on a short run like that. Push myself to do 5 miles and I struggle, but 3 miles what the hell?

Coffee had finished brewing, and the house smelled wonderful. I grabbed a commuter cup and the dog and walked up to the mailbox. It was a nice walk other than the fact I was not paying attention and walked Muffin-Anne through a broken bottle. I had to spend the next few minutes dusting off her paws and feeling like a horrible mommy.

We made it to the mailbox, without incident and I dropped in a stack of �return to sender, no longer at this address� mail. Where I live they will not pick up mail at your box. You must take it to a blue postal drop off box, or the post office. I�ve been getting mail for people that lived at my house over a year ago, and frankly I�m sick of it. I was tempted to throw it all in the trash, but some of it looked like legal documents so I did the good Samaritan thing and took it to the box to be returned.

Muffin-Anne and I made our way back home. I rinsed off, and decided to go and lay in the sun at the pool for a few hours. I�ve been feeling guilty about being away on business so I took Muffin-Anne with me. She of course jumped in the pool right away. So there I was the only one at the pool minding my own business when the Pool Nazi shows up with her 3-year-old daughter. In an extremely snotty tone she says, �you know there are no animals allowed in the pool enclosed area.� I said, �Gee I didn�t know that, I�ll take her home.� Pool Nazi continues, �Well it�s posted on the gate.� I said, �I�m sorry I didn�t see that and thanks for telling me.� I proceeded to read the last paragraph of a chapter in my book and then gather Muffin-Anne and my cell to take her home. Pool Nazi pipes up again �You know it�s also listed in the governances of the development.� I�d about had enough of her at that point, but still being very polite I said, �I�m a renter, the property management company didn�t give me a complete copy of the governances. I�m also planning on moving out in the next 2 months, I appreciate you informing me, I�m taking the dog home, and I�m sorry to have violated the rules, is there anything else you would like to discuss?� I�m so proud of myself, I was syrupy sweet, not my normal go to hell you freaking be-atch self. Oh and to top it off her daughter loved my dog, and wouldn�t leave her alone�HA!

Oh, and as a side note I�m waiting to hear back from a realtor. I made an offer on a house yesterday. I�m not holding my breath; there are 2 other offers besides mine pending. I should know in the next couple of hours. The house has a private pool, maybe I�ll invite the Nazi and her Daughter over if I get it�.just to let her freak out about my dog swimming in the same pool as her daughter. Terrible�I know.

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