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Poker Scents
2004-08-27, 9:21 a.m.

I have been invited to a poker party. Hoorah! Wait, hold down the excitement, the invitation comes with rules. Not rules of playing poker, but rules about your attendance at the game. The invitation was extended to me by a co-worker. I�m going to hide her identity and call her �Trisha�. Well apparently Trisha�s �life partner� is allergic to fragrance, so you cannot wear any type of fragrance to this party. Now considering that everyone at work thinks I�m gay that might explain the invitation up to the part about fragrance. But that is not the point of this entry. The point is that I�m realizing I�m obsessed with scents. Soap, shampoo, conditioner, and all the other hair primping products a girl uses. Deodorant, lotions and potions, I purchase all of this and more with fragrance playing as important of a roll as function. I�ve turned down the invitation, with the good old excuse �I�ve got to wash my hair tonight.�

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