
saru-san - 2006-01-24 01:59:33
I lived in Mexico for a year, and it was a great time. Every day was a party, once I started accepting invitations, dancing like a damned fool, and being one of the lives of the party. Here's to lessons learned!
jfsuperstar - 2006-01-24 03:46:04
hey, i stopped by for a visit, courtesy of the infamous kungfukitten. i hope your trip wasn't all bad and there wasn't any explosive diarrhea from the tainted water. heh-heh, i said 'taint'.
Kungfukitten - 2006-01-24 18:22:05
Cingi's smart enough not to drink the water. That's why she stopped at the quickie mart for more beer. Quiero mas servesas por favor. Yo soy borracho. See, I still remember a bit of my Spanish from high school. Didn't you take French???
Cingi - 2006-01-25 09:56:22
I didn't get sick during my trip. And yes Kitten 4 years of French and 2 years of Spanish. And sometimes I speak "Fren-ish".

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