
laurelann - 2005-01-06 17:46:31
KFK turned me onto your website...I sit beside her at work. :) My husband and I have 2 very large dogs and find ourselves chewtoy poor as well. We finally went to costco and stocked up. The bully sticks just made me laugh. I grew up on a farm in montana and have seen a few bull dicks, but I'm surprised they still reach 36" after they are dried. Hmmmm. :) I wanted to ask where you board your dog? We have generally had people come to the house, but we have an 8 month old Belgian Tervuren who we don't want to leave at the house unattended until he's older. THe rest of the animals are okay there with someone checking on them. Have a good day!
kungfukitten - 2005-01-07 02:54:27
When I first saw the picture I thought she was chewing on a piece of rebar. 36 inches??? I'm glad I'm not a cow. Eep.

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