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Vertical is highly overrated some days
2005-02-05, 6:26 p.m.

I spent all day horizontal. It was the position of choice considering how bad my head hurt from one too many pitchers of lukewarm beer.

My house passed inspection with flying colors. Very minimal things that will need to be corrected, last hurdle will be appraisal next week. I was so excited I decided that drinking numerous pitchers of beer would be a good way to celebrate. Mental head slap, re think that philosophy when my head is not hurting so much.

I did manage to trip over my purse later this afternoon. Contents strewn about the floor I realized I had 3 phone numbers from different guys from last night. How did that happen? I don�t remember 3. I remember 1 who was a bit put out that I wouldn�t give him my personal information. I retorted; �buddy what year is this? Do you watch the news? You want the attention you give up personal information and take the chance on what I�ll do with it. Roll the dice what do you have to loose?� Now we know from past disclosure my tendencies to deal with men and phone numbers. But as I look at the 3 numbers and names, I have no clue which one was his. Note to self, must develop simplistic filing system in purse for multiple pick up numbers. Suggestions anyone? Wait why would I do that? I never call these guys. Oh what the hell, give me your spin on what you would do for keeping track of this multiple number problem.

My animals love me. They spent all day by my side. Muffin-Anne even gave me kisses, she doesn�t mind puke breath. Bonnie attacked my feet under the covers, biting as hard as she could through the comforter. Her way of showing affection, for me I suppose.

Oh, I found a cool site via a banner. Funny witty, nice background sunnflower check her out. My popcorn is done, mmmmmmm salt.

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