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Happy New Year
2006-01-03, 3:43 p.m.

The New Year is upon us and I�m dragging my feet to move forward. I need a few more weeks in last year to wrap up a few details.

Festivities of New Years Eve in Old Town couldn�t have been better. Six fabulous girls all ready to take on 2006 in Ho-licious fashion. Who wants to do a shot? Oooooooh pick us, pick us we�d scream and bounce up and down in unison! Really who can refuse excitement like that? Okay who can refuse 12 boobs bouncing in unison?

I did spend some quality time wallowing around on a wet floor with a very hot guy. Wasn�t exactly planned out that way but who cares when it works out in my favor? Of course the bruises up and down my legs the next day were not exactly the �pleasant� reminder I was looking for.

I think the consensus of the Posse is that we are going to hang up the �East Salty Sluts� title and start shopping north end. Beautiful men, cars, and venues that just can�t be found in the East end. Look out you tall sickening slender models, here comes the Posse.

Best wishes to everyone for a safe and happy New Year.

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